New Opening Hours

We just want to let you know that as of today we will no longer be opening late on weekdays. This is necessary to ensure we have enough staff answering phones at the busiest times of day. While we regret any inconvenience to people who prefer to contact us during the evening, it is essential that we answer the phones quickly at peak times. Anyone calling outside opening hours will be able to leave a message requesting a call back the following day.

We’re here to help – just call us on 01484 434321 during our new opening hours:

  • Monday-Friday 8.30am to 5pm
  • Saturday 9am to 4pm
  • Sunday 11am to 3pm

About stoves

With many years experience supplying top stove brands, with a huge range of wood burning stoves, stove accessories and flue products at great prices. We believe in giving great value for money, and our success has earned us nationwide recognition including a ranking in the Sunday Times Virgin Fast Track 100. In addition to our popular online store we have showrooms located across the North of England and a stove fitting service in England and Wales. Over the years we have worked hard to develop a friendly, knowledgable team who are dedicated to giving you the best possible sales advice and aftercare.
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